
Spruce Rough Cut Beam Lumber

Spruce Rough Cut Beam Lumber Spruce Rough Cut Beam Lumber Spruce Rough Cut Beam Lumber Spruce Rough Cut Beam Lumber

Available for sale to builders or sellers.
$5.50/ linear foot

Rough cut spruce beams of varying lengths and widths.
Air dried in a tarp barn for 3 years.
Most around 8” width, a few 10” and up to 15-20’ long.
Not stamped but can be.
Mostly all good sides with the odd waned edge.
Delivery is not available, located in Belwood, ON.
Not interested in cutting 2 feet of an end for hobby users, sorry.

Tired of moving equipment around it. Looking for a sale of the lot. Contact me with offers if you are interested. Thanks! See less


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